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100 years of Lincolnshire Film Archive

Posted by Primetime Video on

The Lincolnshire Film Archive and Primetime Video have launched a major new series of films showing life and work in the historic county throughout the 20th Century.

Drawing on its extensive motion picture collection, much of it never before made available for home viewing, the Lincolnshire Film Archive has set out to present a wide-ranging picture of a hundred years of Lincolnshire life. Town and country, work and play, wealth and poverty, peace and war, youth and age. You’ll find them all here, preserved on archive motion picture film.

Volume One of this exciting new series, written and narrated by Alan Stennett, covers the century’s early years, with film dating back to as early as 1901. Grimsby trawlermen bringing home their catch, hats and dresses to die for – 1904 style, vintage motor cars and horse-drawn traffic in Lincoln; quarrymen working entirely by hand, but proud of their steam-driven lorry; industry that led the world with products designed and built in Lincolnshire, like the first caterpillar tracked vehicles and pioneering packaging machinery. There are royal visits, coronation and Empire Day celebrations; Great War recruitment and early aviation, Isaac Newton’s bicentenary, early Lincolnshire Shows, all the fun of the fair and seaside holidays; a children’s party in the 1920s, and bathing the baby in a small tin tub. And it’s true what people say about the old days; things really were different then. The policemen were actually taller, holiday-makers wore their best suits on the beach, and an aeroplane used to be something you could pick up and carry.

This archive collection is still expanding so watch this space for more DVD releases from this series.

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